Tiny Matters

A science podcast about things small in size but big in impact. Every other Wednesday, join hosts Sam Jones and Deboki Chakravarti as they unpack the little things that make the big things in our world (both good and bad) possible.

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At the end of 2016, a pilot reported that a volcano in Alaska called Bogoslof was erupting. Bogoslof had been quiet for 24 years, and there wasn’t any equipment on it that scientists could use to track its eruptions. But over the next 8 months, scientists were able to track at least 70 eruptions from Bogoslof. And they did so using something you might not expect: sound.

In this episode of Tiny Matters, we’ll cover what sound can tell us about events as big as volcanoes and ‘Swiftquakes’ and as small as the insect world, where researchers are using AI to track different insect species, leading to important discoveries that could help not just public health but agriculture and climate policy.


Sam Jones, PhD

Sam Jones, PhD

Science Writer & Exec Producer

Deboki Chakravarti, PhD

Deboki Chakravarti, PhD

Science Writer & Co-Host

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After years of producing quality episodes, Orbitals has bid farewell to our followers at the end of 2021.

But rest assured, all of the Orbitals episodes will remain up on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher & Audible.

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