ACS Weighs in On Spectrum and National Security Act

June 18, 2024

The Honorable Maria Cantwell
US Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation

The Honorable Ted Cruz
Ranking Member
US Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation

Dear Chairwoman Cantwell and Ranking Member Cruz:

On behalf of the American Chemical Society (ACS), I write to share our perspective on efforts in the Spectrum and National Security Act (S. 4207) to allocate funding to support initiatives under the CHIPS and Science Act that support research programs at the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). As one of the world’s largest scientific organizations, with over 185,000 members, we advocate that the federal science and technology budget increases research funding to a level that ensures the US remains the global scientific leader for decades to come.

When the CHIPS and Science Act passed, its impact went beyond just semiconductors. The scientific community celebrated the spending levels authorized for the Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science, NSF, and NIST. Such investments in basic research and workforce development are a necessity in a highly competitive global environment, especially at a time when US leadership is being challenged as China and other emerging economies increase their R&D focus and investments.

As you work to consider legislation on national spectrum policy, I urge you to remember the crucial link between investments in basic R&D and the impact it has on our nation's productivity, defense capabilities, public health, and energy and environmental security. Such investments lay the groundwork for future innovations and inspiration for the scientists and engineers of tomorrow. It is imperative to maintain the nation’s lead in scientific entrepreneurship, and I welcome any support for federal investment in R&D.    


Anthony Pitagno
Senior Director, Government Affairs
American Chemical Society