ACS Bridge Career Conference

Check back at a later date for details on the 2025 conference

In partnership with the Genentech Foundation and Xavier University of Louisiana, ACS is pleased to offer the Bridge Career Conference.

This conference aimed to provide ACS Bridge Fellows, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers underrepresented in the chemical sciences with the tools to conduct a successful career search and build a sense of community among those selected to participate.

This 2-day event facilitated career exploration, and professional development, and connected trainees with professionals from diverse career areas. ACS encouraged Black, Latinx, and Indigenous individuals to apply.

When & Where

The 2023 Bridge Career Conference was held in New Orleans, LA on September 8 - 10.

More details on the date and location of the 2025 conference will be released at a later date. All travel and accommodations will be covered by ACS for applicants that are currently in the U.S

Attendees were able to:

  •  Understand how skills, values, and opportunities can intersect to create a satisfying career path for an individual
  •  Gain increased knowledge of the vast array of chemical careers and how they intersect with their personal values
  •  Develop new goals to reach their desired career objective
  •  Expand their network of peers and scientists for future collaboration and mentoring

Application Process

The ACS Bridge Career Conference is intended to bring together a diverse group of Bridge Fellows, Graduate Students, Postdocs from underrepresented Groups, and professionals for two days of career development and networking.

Application for the conference will be opened in spring of 2025.

Silhouettes of students heads and profiles of people

Bridge Career Conference Testimonials 

Headshot of Samira Munkaila

"The lineup of speakers and panelists was nothing short of extraordinary. Each session was thought-provoking and provided valuable insights into various career paths within the field of chemistry. The diverse backgrounds and experiences of the speakers added a unique perspective, fostering an environment of inclusivity and promoting diversity in the scientific community. It is through initiatives like these that we can truly celebrate the diversity within our scientific community. I am confident that the impact of this conference will be felt for years to come, inspiring countless individuals to pursue their scientific aspirations and fostering a more diverse and inclusive scientific community."

- Samira Munkaila, 2023 Bridge Conference Participant

Headshot of Kate Nyarko

"The creation of an Individual Development Plan (IDP) was a game-changer. This personalized roadmap allowed me to identify my values and skills, providing clarity on my strengths and areas for growth. In essence, the ACS [Bridge Career Confrence] was a beacon of empowerment for underrepresented graduate students like myself. It not only provided the skills and insights necessary for a successful career search but also fostered a sense of belonging within a supportive community. This [conference] has undoubtedly been a catalyst for my professional growth, and I am excited about the possibilities that lie ahead in my career."

- Kate Nyarko, 2023 Bridge Conference Participant

Silvina "Silvi" Di Pietro

"I feel fortunate to once again, be accepted to this incredible [project] (my first experience was [a] virtual [CKS Workshop 2021]). Because of this [conference], my "tool kit" has expanded. Exercises such as StrengthFinder [session] allowed me to learn about myself. Meanwhile, I learned how other chemists, are like me! I loved the sense of belonging, from fellow early-career chemists to well-established professionals...we are all much more similar than we realize! Thank you, ACS Bridge Program!"

- Silvina "Silvi" Di Pietro, 2023 Bridge Conference Participant

About the Genentech Foundation:

Launched in 2018 with a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the ACS Bridge Project aims for increased representation of students from underrepresented ethnic and racial groups pursuing advanced degrees in the Chemical Sciences through its participation with the Inclusive Graduate Education Network (IGEN).

The Genentech Foundation supports the ACS Bridge Project to increase capacity for ACS’ broadening participation initiatives, such as ACS Bridge Fellow and ACS Bridge Departments that demonstrate a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. In addition, the Genentech Foundation supports professional development conferences, like the ACS Bridge Career Conference.

Genentech Foundation logo


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