Nancy Jensen

Nancy Jensen

Nancy Jensen


Former Assistant Director for the Office of Research Grants, American Chemical Society (ACS)


BS & MS, Chemistry Education, Northwest Missouri State University

PhD, Chemistry, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

J.D., University of Richmond, School of Law

Few individuals have a more varied experience in using chemistry degrees. I have taught in secondary school; led nationally competitive high school research projects; performed research in world class academic labs; set a sophisticated  instrumentation facility for a Fortune 50 company and applied it to both basic research and industrial  problem solving; practiced patent law; served as in-house counsel for a pharmaceutical  company; and most recently served as a program officer and assistant director for the ACS Office of Research Grants. I further note that I have excelled in each of the careers noted in my resume. 

Secondly, I have considerable experience in mentoring, particularly in my early role in secondary education and my time during the last 11 years as a program officer for the PRF grant program.  In that position, I gave many talks, webinars, and workshops on grant writing and did considerable one-on-one mentoring of individuals new to the grant writing process.