Microbiome Mechanics: Building a Healthier Gut

ACS Webinars

The gut microbiome plays a crucial role in human health by regulating immune responses, aiding in digestion, and protecting against pathogens. Disruptions in this complex microbial community are linked to numerous conditions, including inflammatory diseases, obesity, and metabolic disorders. Learn about the intricate relationships between the gut microbiome and host health, including cutting-edge research and methodologies.

First, Jordan Bisanz of Pennsylvania State University and the One Health Microbiome Center presents research on Clostridioides difficile resistance, showcasing a synthetic fecal microbiota transplant (sFMT1) designed through meta-analysis. This study reconstructs microbial networks that suppress C. difficile colonization, revealing that Stickland fermentation is crucial for pathogen suppression, mimicking the efficacy of human fecal transplants in mouse models.

Then, Marcos Pires of University of Virginia explores the role of peptidoglycan (PGN) in gut microbiome homeostasis. His presentation details how PGN fragments, recognized by host pattern recognition receptors like NOD1 and NOD2, modulate immune responses, promote tolerance to beneficial bacteria, and maintain intestinal barrier function. Disruptions in PGN sensing can lead to inflammatory diseases, underscoring its importance in gut health.

Finally, Jan Claesen of Cleveland Clinic and Case Western Reserve University discusses the gut microbial metabolism of dietary inputs and its implications for host health. His research focuses on the catabolism of dietary flavonoids by gut bacteria, resulting in beneficial monophenolic acids. These microbial metabolites have been shown to reduce cardiometabolic disease burdens and reverse hepatic steatosis in mouse models, highlighting the potential for dietary and probiotic interventions.

This ACS Webinar is moderated by Catherine Leimkuhler Grimes of the University of Delaware and is co-produced with ACS Publications.

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What You Will Learn

  • Methods for Developing Designer Synthetic Microbiomes: Understand how meta-analysis and experimental models can create functional microbial communities for disease resistance
  • Microbe-Microbe Interactions that Exclude Pathogens: Gain insights into the complex interactions within the microbiome that prevent pathogen colonization
  • Strain-Resolved Metagenomics: Learn advanced techniques for analyzing microbial communities at the strain level to uncover specific functions and interactions
  • Peptidoglycan's Role in Gut Homeostasis: Discover the structural components and dissemination of peptidoglycan and how it is sensed by the host to maintain immune balance
  • Gut Microbial Chemistry: Explore how gut microbes metabolize dietary substrates into beneficial compounds and how these processes can be harnessed for therapeutic interventions
  • Diet-Microbiota Interactions: Learn about the impact of diet on the microbiome and how specific diet-microbiota combinations can influence health outcomes, particularly in cardiometabolic diseases

Additional Resources

  • In recognition of World Microbiome Day, view the 2023 Collection that celebrates the importance of microbes in human health and our surroundings. On June 27th, ACS Publications will publish a new Collection that highlights recent achievements in microbiome research.
  • The link to the 2024 Collection will be active on June 27.

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What an attendee said about this ACS Webinar!


Awesome presentations covering the molecular basis, the cellular biochemistry (Enzymology) and the microbiological interactions at the level of intracellular, intercellular and host-microbial chemical/molecular interactions. Excellent panel discussion of timely topics around the microbiome.


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Jordan Bisanz
Assistant Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Pennsylvania State University and the One Health Microbiome Center 

Marcos Pires
Director of Graduate Studies and Associate Professor, Chemistry, University of Virginia

Jan Claesen
Assistant Professor, Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic and Assistant Professor, Molecular Medicine, Case Western Reserve University 

Catherine Leimkuhler Grimes
Co-Director, Chemistry Biology Interface Graduate Program and Professor, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of Delaware

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