ACS in the News

Weekly press highlights of the latest ACS journal articles and other coverage featured in high-profile news media outlets all around the globe. 

New York Times (New York, NY: 143.41 million unique monthly visits)
“Can I Wear Neon Without Looking Like a Highlighter?”
May 27, 2024
Publicized in: ACS’ National Historic Chemical Landmarks program

Yet its patently synthetic, techno edge is also the reason that Andy Warhol called neon "one of the great modern things," and that so many artists, including Bruce Nauman, Tracey Emin and Glenn Ligon, have embraced it. The American Chemical Society even declared the discovery of Day-Glo fluorescent pigment a National Historic Chemical Landmark in 2012.

Four outlets covered the story this week.


Interesting Engineering (San Francisco, CA: 3.39 million unique monthly visits)
“New science fiction sensors sense things without touching”
May 22, 2024
Publicized in: ACS PressPac

A team of researchers at the East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST) has developed a flexible film using a novel material that can detect the movements of nearby objects without actually coming in contact with them. [Adapted from research published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.]

Twenty-five outlets, including New Atlas (United States) and AZO Materials (Australia), covered the story this week.


Daily Telegraph (United Kingdom: 32.11 million unique monthly visits)
“Six beers that are good for your gut health – and the ones to avoid”
May 24, 2024
Publicized in: ACS PressPac

In 2022, a study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry followed 22 men who drank a little more than half a pint of beer every day for four weeks and found that they subsequently had better markers of intestinal health.

Seven outlets covered the story this week.


ScienceAlert (Canberra, Australia: 15.42 million unique monthly visits)
“Something Really Awesome Happens When You Use Banana Peel as an Ingredient”
May 22, 2024
Publicized in: ACS PressPac

A recent study has shown if banana peels are blanched, dried, and ground into a flour, they can be turned into baked goods that taste just as nice, if not better than wheat-based products… The study was published in ACS Food Science & Technology.

Twenty-nine outlets covered the story this week.


IFL Science (United Kingdom: 5.40 million unique monthly visits)
“Chernobyl's ‘Wild Boar Paradox’ Has Finally Been Cracked”
May 24, 2024
Publicized in: ACS PressPac

Due to this double dose of slow-release radiation, the levels of contamination seen in the boars have remained relatively constant for decades, while the other wildlife of Chernobyl has managed to recover – and even thrive… The study was published last year in the journal Environmental Science & Technology.

Four outlets covered the story this week.


Study Finds (United States: 3.91 million unique monthly visits)
“Forever chemicals are raining down, contamination found in all 5 Great Lakes”
May 22, 2024
Publicized in: ACS PressPac

Researchers have found that perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, better known as “forever chemicals,” are making their way into vital sources of fresh water — from the sky. In fact, these chemicals have been discovered in all five of the Great Lakes, according to [research published in Environmental Science & Technology.]

Ten outlets covered the story this week.


Scientific American (New York, NY: 7.03 million unique monthly visits)
“This Paint Could Clean Both Itself and the Air”
May 21, 2024

For a recent study in ACS Catalysis, researchers developed a new photocatalytic paint that they claim works using UV rays from ordinary sunlight, making its self-cleaning properties easier to activate.


Health (New York, NY: 6.43 million unique monthly visits)
“New Research Shows You May Be Exposed to Carcinogens Each Time You Drive”
May 24, 2024

Flame retardants used in car interior surfaces can pollute the cabin air with chemicals associated with cancer, according to a study published May 7 in Environmental Science & Technology.

Twenty outlets, including La Prensa Gráfica (El Salvador), covered the story this week.

Newsweek (New York, NY: 29.77 million unique monthly visits)
“Great Lakes all contain ‘hazardous’ forever chemicals”
May 17, 2024
Publicized in: ACS PressPac

Now, a new study published in Environmental Science & Technology by multi-institutional researchers has found out more about how PFAS enter each of the Great Lakes, which are highly important to their surrounding communities.

Forty-one outlets, including Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (United States) and Green Bay Press-Gazette (United States), covered the story this week.


IFL Science (United Kingdom: 5.40 million unique monthly visits)
“Blueberry Wine Could Be The Next Big Superfood”
May 18, 2024
Publicized in: ACS PressPac

Taking a small amount of wine out of each of the flasks, the team analyzed antioxidant concentrations and activity within the wine samples, and compared what they found to the original juice... The study is published in ACS Food Science & Technology.

Twenty-seven outlets, including O Globo (Brazil) and El Debate (Spain), covered the story this week.


El Confidencial (Madrid, Spain: 31.06 million unique monthly visits)
“La ‘carne’ de origen vegetal tiene menos proteínas y menos nutrientes que la animal” [‘Meat’ of plant origin has less protein and fewer nutrients than animal meat]
May 14, 2024
Publicized in: ACS PressPac

Ahora, un estudio liderado por la Universidad italiana de Parma y publicado en la revista Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry ha analizado los perfiles nutricionales de filetes y embutidos en general tanto de origen vegetal como animal y ha revelado unas diferencias realmente significativas. [Now, a study led by the Italian University of Parma and published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry has analyzed the nutritional profiles of steaks and sausages in general, both of plant and animal origin, and has revealed some truly significant differences.]

Two outlets covered the story this week.


Bored Panda (Lithuania: 21.04 million unique monthly visits)
“Scientists Invent Bizarre Material That Gets Tougher When You Hit It”
May 13, 2024
Publicized in: ACS meeting release

Researchers presented their results on March 20 during the spring meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS), a hybrid event that features nearly 12,000 presentations on a range of science topics.

Three outlets covered the story this week.


HuffPost (New York, NY: 15.53 million unique monthly visits)
“How Bad Is It To Drink Coffee On An Empty Stomach? The Answer May Surprise You”
May 19, 2024
Publicized in: ACS meeting release

Interestingly enough, cold brew is also a lower-acid option, at least according to researchers at Thomas Jefferson University. [Adapted from research presented at ACS Spring 2020.]

Two outlets covered the story this week.


Popular Science (Harlan, IA: 3.41 million unique monthly visits)
“Chicken fat supercapacitors could store green energy of the future”
May 13, 2024
Publicized in: ACS PressPac

According to a new study published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, chemical engineers at South Korea’s Yeungnam University wondered if chicken farming’s massive amounts of biowaste could be put to good use.

Nineteen outlets covered the story this week.


FOX News (New York, NY: 52.01 million unique monthly visits)
“Could your car make you sick? Study highlights potentially cancerous toxins in vehicles”
May 18, 2024

A study published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology has sparked discussions about the potentially harmful toxins that could be lurking in the cabins of vehicles.

Sixty-eight outlets, including Blikk (Hungary) and Dnevnik (Croatia), covered the story this week.


U.S. News & World Report (Wasington, DC: 34.02 million unique monthly visits)
“Science Shows How Night Shifts Help Bring on Disease”
May 14, 2024

It appears that just a few days on a night shift schedule throws off body rhythms tied to regulation of blood sugar, energy burning and inflammation, researchers found… The new study was published recently in the Journal of Proteome Research.

Seventy-six outlets, including The Hindustan Times (India), covered the story this week.


Reader’s Digest (White Plains, IL: 13.74 million unique monthly visits)
“How to Get Paint Out of Clothes: 3 Methods That Actually Work”
May 13, 2024

Acrylic, on the other hand, contains plastic, which gives your paint that lovely glossy look but also dries into a film that’s “extremely stable, water-resistant, permanent and vibrant,” according to the American Chemical Society.


Interesting Engineering (San Francisco, CA: 3.39 million unique monthly visits)
“Glass sensors 1,000x smaller than sand, 3D-printed on optical fiber”
May 16, 2024

According to the team at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, the approach combines the superior material properties of glass with the plug-and-play nature of optical fibers… The details of the team’s research were published in the journal ACS Nano.

Nine outlets covered the story this week.

CBS News (New York, NY: 10.70 million unique monthly visits)
“Study raises concern over exposure to flame retardant chemicals used in some car seats”
May 7, 2024

But according to a study published Tuesday in the journal Environmental Science & Technology, "vehicles are likely important sources of human exposure to potentially harmful flame retardants." Those most likely to be exposed are commuters, full-time vehicle drivers and children.

The story was covered by 574 outlets this week, including The New York Post (United States), Forbes (United States), and The Daily Mail (United Kingdom), covered the story.


Interesting Engineering (San Francisco, CA: 3.39 million unique monthly visits)
“Smart contact lens to wirelessly detect irreversible vision loss early”
May 10, 2024
Publicized in: ACS PressPac

According to a statement published by the [American Chemical Society], the smart contact lens was devised to enable early detection and monitoring of glaucoma, a group of diseases that damage the optic nerve and lead to vision loss… The study was published in the journal ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces on April 23, 2024.

Thirty-three outlets, including AZO Materials (Australia), covered the story this week.


Interesting Engineering (San Francisco, CA: 3.39 million unique monthly visits)
“Chicken fat sparks breakthrough in sustainable energy storage”
May 11, 2024
Publicized in: ACS PressPac

Researchers at Yeungnam University in South Korea have devised a technique to convert chicken fat into carbon-based electrodes for supercapacitors, which store energy and power LEDs… The details of the team’s research were published in the journal ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.

Twenty-nine outlets, including Independent Turkçe (Turkey), covered the story this week. (Reno, NV: 2.74 million unique monthly visits)
“Unexpected beauty revealed in ice formation”
May 9, 2024
Publicized in: ACS video release

[George’s] quest to create crystal-clear ice cubes led to an accidental rediscovery of dendritic crystal growth – a stunning process where ice forms in intricate, branching patterns [embedded Reactions video explains].

Three outlets covered the video this week.


New Atlas (Australia: 2.54 million unique monthly visits)
“Tiny tenacious robots snatch bacteria and microplastics out of the water”
May 8, 2024
Publicized in: ACS PressPac

Scientists have developed tiny “robots” which appear to be very effective at removing microplastics pollution from water. The research is described in a paper that was recently published in the journal ACS Nano.

The story was covered by 122 outlets this week, including El Español (Spain) and Interesting Engineering (United States).


Salon (United States: 4.53 million unique monthly visits)
“How ancient Egyptian tech could save modern libraries from scourge of bookworms”
May 8, 2024
Publicized in: ACS PressPac

In a recent study from the American Chemical Society's Journal of Proteome Research, researchers analyzing books from the National Library of Medicine archives discovered that gluten-free glues are less attractive to the dozens of pests classed as bookworms. 

Five outlets covered the story this week.


USA Today (United States: 66.34 million unique monthly visits)
“US may ban chemical used to make decaf coffee, but there are alternatives: What to know”
May 9, 2024

The American Chemical Society says that the decaffeination process leaves methylene chloride, "well below the 10-ppm concentration allowed" due to the easily soluble nature of the chemical.


Reuters (United States: 43.88 million unique monthly visits)
“People over parking: The U.S. cities that are reclaiming their streets”
May 8, 2024

The black asphalt required for spaces can pollute water, too: a study published in Environmental Science and Technology documented how, when exposed to rainfall, thousands of toxic chemicals can run off into waterways, carrying oil and surface contaminants with them.


Newsweek (New York, NY: 29.77 million unique monthly visits)
“Just a few days on night shift has ‘long-term’ consequences”
May 10, 2024

The study, published in the Journal of Proteome Research, subjected a group of volunteers to three days of night or day shift schedules. At the end of the three days, participants were kept awake for 24 hours under constant conditions to measure their internal biological rhythms without interference from their environment.

The story was covered by 105 outlets this week, including NDTV (India).


Los Angeles Times (El Segundo, CA: 26.43 million unique monthly visits)
“‘Nothing is untouched’: DDT found in deep-sea fish raises troubling concerns for food web”
May 6, 2024

The study, published Monday in Environmental Science & Technology Letters, is one of many research efforts sparked by a 2020 Los Angeles Times report that detailed the little-known history of ocean dumping off the Southern California coast — and how the nation’s largest manufacturer of DDT had for years disposed of its waste at sea.

Fifty-five outlets, including (United States), covered the story this week.

Newsweek (New York, NY: 29.77 million unique monthly visits)
“How the venomous red head centipede could save lives”
May 3, 2024
Publicized in: ACS PressPac

The Chinese red-headed centipede (Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans) contains special chemicals named alkaloids that reduce inflammation and fibrosis in kidney cell culture, according to a new paper in the Journal of Natural Products.

Fifteen outlets, including Interesting Engineering (United States), covered the story this week.


Women’s Health (United Kingdom: 22.94 million unique monthly visits)
“A dermatologist explains why you should wear sunscreen all year round, and not just on holiday”
April 30, 2024
Publicized in: ACS PressPac

In a 2019 study [published] by the American Chemical Society, it was estimated that 14,000 tonnes of sunscreen end up in the world's oceans every year, causing damage to coral reefs and marine life. [Adapted from research published in Analytical Chemistry.]


Il Fatto Quotidiano (Milan, Italy: 13.42 million unique monthly visits)
“Così dal tabacco sono stati ottenuti materiali viventi vegetali ingegnerizzati” [This is how engineered living plant materials were obtained from tobacco]
May 6, 2024
Publicized in: ACS PressPac

L’edilizia rappresenta in realtà solo una delle possibili applicazioni di questo approccio, sviluppato dagli scienziati della Nanjing Tech University e descritto in un articolo sulla rivista dell’American Chemical Society [ACS] Central Science. [Construction actually represents only one of the possible applications of this approach, developed by scientists at Nanjing Tech University and described in an article in the American Chemical Society journal ACS Central Science.]

Seventeen outlets covered the story this week.


AZO Materials (Sydney, Australia: 321,000 unique monthly visits)
“Reflective Paint Solves Lidar Detection Challenges for Self-Driving Cars”
May 3, 2024
Publicized in: ACS PressPac

In a recent paper published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, researchers revealed the development of highly reflective black paint, utilizing titanium dioxide, to enhance the visibility of dark objects for autonomous vehicles equipped with lidar sensors, potentially improving road safety.

Eight outlets covered the story this week.


The Independent (United Kingdom: 57.46 million unique monthly visits)
“Scientists find breakthrough way to make batteries cheaper and more capable”
May 2, 2024

The work is described in a paper, ‘Toward Cost-Effective High-Energy Lithium-Ion Battery Cathodes: Covalent Bond Formation Empowers Solid-State Oxygen Redox in Antifluorite-Type Lithium-Rich Iron Oxide’, published in the journal ACS Materials Letters.

Sixty-six outlets, including Yahoo UK (United Kingdom) and Nico Nico (Japan), covered the story.


Gizmodo (New York, NY: 9.80 million unique monthly visits)
“Indoor Climbing Gyms Might Be Chock Full of Toxic Rubber Additives, Study Finds”
May 3, 2024

The research was led by scientists from the University of Vienna, some of whom have previously studied how rubber and its property-enhancing additives can seep into the environment [in research published in Environmental Science & Technology].

Six outlets covered the story this week.


Interesting Engineering (San Francisco, CA: 3.39 million unique monthly visits)
“World's first! Plasma turns landfill methane gas into jet fuel”
May 1, 2024

This innovation, detailed in a recent publication in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, holds immense promise for tackling climate change and creating a circular economy for waste-generated greenhouse gases.

Fifty-eight outlets, including El Periódico de Catalunya (Spain) and La Nueva España(Spain), covered the story.


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