Tiny Matters

A science podcast about things small in size but big in impact. Every other Wednesday, join hosts Sam Jones and Deboki Chakravarti as they unpack the little things that make the big things in our world (both good and bad) possible.

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On March 11, 2020, after over 118,000 cases of COVID-19 had been reported in 114 countries, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic. The term Long COVID began popping up across the globe shortly after. People with Long COVID experience any combination of a huge number of symptoms that range from gastrointestinal issues to brain fog to extreme exhaustion and an inability to do what were once pretty simple tasks like getting dressed, preparing meals, or even getting out of bed. 

Although we have a ways to go before we understand a disease as complex as Long COVID, over the last few years scientists have made significant research strides and the millions of people suffering from Long COVID have brought light to health conditions including ME/CFS, that many people didn’t previously realize existed. In this episode, you’ll hear from an ME/CFS researcher, a Long COVID patient about her difficult and winding experience to understand what was happening in her body following a COVID infection, and a journalist and author who recently wrote a book on Long COVID.


Sam Jones, PhD

Sam Jones, PhD

Science Writer & Exec Producer

Deboki Chakravarti, PhD

Deboki Chakravarti, PhD

Science Writer & Co-Host

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After years of producing quality episodes, Orbitals has bid farewell to our followers at the end of 2021.

But rest assured, all of the Orbitals episodes will remain up on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher & Audible.

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